Saturday, September 19, 2009

HickoryCon Aftermath

I did pretty well. I stayed well below my limit, but got alot of cool stuff. It didn't seem like there were as many tables filled this time as there were in the spring, but there was a good turnout from what I saw. There were alot of people in costumes. Which was pretty awesome. My favorite ones were, of course, the storm troopers. You dress up like Star Wars, you get my vote for everything. It's a classic ( the original 3) you can't go wrong there.

I got three new prints and a sketch. The prints were Wonder Woman (who I don't even like, but I love this print), Poison Ivy, and Batman. The sketch was also of Batman. Billy Fowler did the sketch and the WW and PI sketch and Adam Goudelock did the Batman Print. Both those guys are really nice. And very talented. They're on my facebook. I'll add them on here later.

I also got some comics I had been trying to locate for a while, so it was a pretty good day. It would have been a good day anyway.
So I'm dead-set on going to Baltimore now. I just hope the crew from Zenescope will be there. I know some of the guys from Aspen will be there, which I'm excited about that. Aspen was the company that got me started into comics. Ah, back in the day, where it all began. And now I'm an addict. Okay, so it's not that bad, but I do like to talk about comics a bit.

But I can't decide if I want to go to Baltimore for just the Saturday or stay overnight and leave out sometime on Sunday. It wouldn't be much more to stay one night. I guess it'll give me something to think about when I'm bored at work.

Which I have to go back to tomorrow. We're starting 6 12's tomorrow. Which sucks, but the money's going to be choice.

To finish a pretty decent day full of a good amount of geekiness, I decided to watch Fanboys. I love that movie. If you haven't seen it, go rent it right now, or buy it. Better take a crow-bar just in case the stores closed....or if you encounter zombies.
I'm trying to think of some commissions for some artists right now. I was thinking about seeing if Billy Fowler would be interested in doing one and maybe Josh Howard. There are a few other artists I was thinking about looking into as well, but those two guys have more unique and eye-catching styles than other artists out there. As well as Jamie McKelvie. These guys are super-talented. I know it sounds stupid, but I mean, they are like celebrities to me. I'd rather go to a Con than a movie premiere any day.

I can't help it. There's just something about Art and Comics that fascinates me. Well, after a long day of comic searching and laughing and talking, I'm worn out. I also havent slept since Friday. It was just easier to stay up and go to Hickory. Crazy Mandar. What a rebel! Alright. To bed. It's back to work tomorrow. And I need some sleep before I attempt to stay awake on Night Shift watching everyone else work.

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